Things have gotten worse since we last spoke summary
Things have gotten worse since we last spoke summary

things have gotten worse since we last spoke summary

things have gotten worse since we last spoke summary

Eye Scream: It is implied from the final words of the novel that Agnes commits suicide by gouging her own eyes out with the apple peeler.

things have gotten worse since we last spoke summary

Epistolary Novel: The entire story is conveyed through emails and chat logs between Agnes and Zoe.Driven to Suicide: Not directly stated, but it is easy to infer that this is how Agnes dies.The one, tiny bright spot, mentioned in the Author's Notes, is that Zoe may be convicted for what she's done. At the end, it is all but stated that she commits suicide. A few days later, Agnes passes her tapeworm, crushing her dream of being a mother and completing her Sanity Slippage. Zoe cuts off communication with Agnes after seemingly having a crisis of conscience. Not quite played straight, as by the end Agnes and Zoe never meet each other in real life. However, as the story unfolds her actions appear closer to this trope. Domestic Abuse: Zoe initially sets herself up as a Dominatrix, promising to take care of Agnes as long as the latter remains her slave.In part 5, Agnes' descriptions of her tapeworm infection.


  • In part 4, Zoe details a dream she had in which Agnes' skin is burned off in a nuclear explosion.
  • Body Horror: Two instances are especially bad:.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: The point where it's apparent Zoe is not as nice of a person as she appears is where she commands Agnes to find a salamander in the park and kill it.
  • Arc Words: The question "what have you done today to deserve your eyes?" first shows up as part of a story Zoe tells, and is referenced a few times afterwards, usually in reference to Zoe's psychological hold over Agnes.
  • Abusive Parents: Though the book does not detail any abuse on the part of Agnes' parents, they do immediately reject their daughter when she comes out, and apparently left her with her abusive aunt.
  • Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke provides examples of the following tropes: As their relationship develops, they find themselves succumbing to a spiral of depravity. In the year 2000, two gay women - Agnes Petrella and Zoe Cross - meet online as Agnes attempts to sell a family heirloom. Originally published on its own, it was later reprinted with two additional stories as Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke And Other Misfortunes. Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke is a 2021 queer horror novella by Eric LaRocca.

    Things have gotten worse since we last spoke summary